Do You Need A Hysterctomy Following Implantation of Mirena? Visit Here For Help.

mirena attorney


Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

A Mirena-Caused Hysterectomy

Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

The gynecologist who proposes that hysterectomy is the best solution of your problem must be able to answer the following questions:

  • Is this operation really necessary? If you are looking forward to the surgery, this is usually because there is much bleeding or pain. Make sure you ask the surgeon if you are likely to derive the benefit you expect from the operation.
  • What is the disease that appears to necessitate hysterectomy? Be cautious if the operation is being recommended for a number of separate problems: Each may be manageable with measures other than a major operation, and each must be discussed individually. This is time-consuming, and your gynecologist may not have the patience to go through every option available to you.
  • What would be the consequences of not doing a hysterectomy? Vague references to preventing trouble or cancer are not acceptable. Unless your symptoms have worsened, you have time to research the situation.
  • What other ways are there to treat your condition? Do not accept hysterectomy as a solution too quickly.
  • How certain is it that hysterectomy will improve your most troublesome gynecological symptoms? Some complaints are relatively easy to correct: For instance, hysterectomy will invariably put an end to abnormal vaginal bleeding. Other complaints (for instance, pain or the involuntary loss of urine on coughing or sneezing) may or may not respond to hysterectomy. The gynecologist who assures you that all your symptoms will disappear may be correct but may also be a superior salesperson with a well-practiced routine. You should have a clear idea before surgery of how likely it is that your gynecological symptoms will improve and what the next step is if they do not

Be as certain of your diagnosis as possible. Understand that only rarely is surgery necessary to find out exactly what is happening in your body, but occasionally laparoscopy (or even laparotomy) may become essential to find out if a tumor is cancerous. Line up all the available managements, including doing nothing; taking pain medications, antibiotics, or hormonal treatments; or resorting to surgery. Additional consultations, telephone hot lines, support groups, even an hour or two spent in a bookstore with medical self-help books and textbooks may point you in new and helpful directions. Medical information available in a variety of Web sites is another possibility, but with one cautionary note: Anyone can post any information with little fear of contradiction. Try to examine each participant’s motives for preferring one mode of treatment over another, particularly when it comes to advocating surgery. You must make every effort to evaluate carefully all the opinions you get, bearing in mind that every person you turn to may have an agenda that includes not only your interests but quite possibly theirs as well.

If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


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