Pradaxa Lawyer Notes that Pradaxa May Cause Heart Attacks

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New Study Links Pradax Side Effects to Heart Attack Risk

Blood thinner drug Pradaxa, infamous for causing internal bleeding and hemorrhage in users, may also put them at an increased risk of heart attack. Two of the latest, unrelated studies by European and U.S. scholars have found robust evidence establishing links between heart attack and the anticoagulant that negates the earlier reports indicating reduced risk of myocardial infarctions in patients using Pradaxa. Belgian researchers working on the European study claim that the risk of heart attack increases significantly for those taking cumulated high dose or overdose of Pradaxa or low dose over an extended period of time.

US Study on Pradaxa Heart Attack Risk

In June 2013, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published an observational study by U.S. researchers on the safety profile of Pradaxa. The meta-analysis based on Randomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy (RE-LY) study made comprehensive analysis of “real world” Pradaxa side effects. It also took into account clinical and post-marketing data submitted to the FDA by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Researchers concluded that though Pradaxa is superior to older blood thinner warfarin, the anti-coagulant could increase the heart attack risk by 48 percent. Even the data from the RE-LY, according to the study, indicates higher risk of myocardial infarctions linked to Pradaxa side effects.

European Study on Pradaxa Heart Attack Risk

A study unveiled at the Amsterdam Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostatis held between June 29 and July 4 2013, warned that Pradaxa side effects could enhance the risk of heart attack by 70 percent. Presented by Belgian scholars, the research was based on the data collected from randomized controlled trials. Of the 23,839 Pradaxa users interviewed, 292 suffered from heart attacks following the blood thinner intake. The risk went up in proportionate to the cumulative amount of anticoagulant. The researchers claimed that dose-specific response in itself was robust evidence to link Pradaxa side effects to heart attack in users.

Pradaxa Side Effects

Boehringer Ingelheim’s oral anticoagulant Pradaxa is subject to intense scrutiny and lawsuits in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the United States for causing life-threatening internal bleeding. More than 5,000 adverse events, including 542 Pradaxa wrongful deaths, over 2,000 hemorrhages, and about 300 renal failures, were reported to the FDA through its MedWatch program ever since the drug was approved in October 2010. The blood thinner promoted as a wonder drug by the manufacturer led to a host of adverse side effects in users, such as

  • wrongful death due to irreversible internal bleeding
  • blood vomiting or coughing up
  • brain hemorrhage
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • heart strokes
  • unusual and irreversible bleeding
  • kidney bleeding and dysfunction
  • weakness and swelling of body parts
  • blood in urine or stool
  • vascular problems

Pradaxa Lawsuits

Pradaxa lawsuits against Boehringer Ingelheim seeking product liability began to pour in after the FDA opened an investigation into the drug side effects in December 2011. More than 1,100 Pradaxa lawsuits are centralized in an Illinois south federal court. The first Pradaxa lawsuit will go for trial in August 2014. Judge David R. Herndon has already appointed a mediator to identify and seek the settlement possibilities.

Plaintiffs are unanimous in their allegations that Pradaxa side effects led them to suffer from severe or fatal injuries in the absence of any medicine that could reverse the internal bleeding caused by the anticoagulant. They seek product liability on the ground that the manufacturer did not inform consumers about the hemorrhage risk or nonexistence of any antidote to the blood thinner adverse effects.

Getting Help

If you feel helpless to take your case against a large pharmaceutical company, our skilled lawyers are ready to help. We have been actively monitoring developments in Pradaxa related events and are prepared to assist you. We understand your concerns and will work on your behalf to get the legal recourse you deserve.

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