Medical Device Mirena Injury Help

mirena attorney


Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

Mirena May Cause a Hysterectomy

One injury that may result from Mirena is a hysterectomy. More information on this potential complication, which is unnecessary in our opinion, is as follows:

Complications of Hysterectomy

Anesthesia-related complications Unsuccessful spinal anesthesia: rareCardiac arrest: very rare, but possibly lethal

Vomiting under anesthesia: rare, but potentially serious, leading to pneumonia

Complications during surgery Hemorrhage: rareErroneous diagnoses: frequency difficult to estimate

Damage to surrounding organs: bowel, bladder, uterus; about 1-2 percent

Need for additional, unintended surgery: rare

Transfusion reactions: about 1 percent

Postoperative complications Infections: mostly skin, bladder, vagina, lungs: frequent but rarely seriousVenous clotting: frequent, but major complications rare

Delayed return of bowel function, urinary tract function: frequent, but usually of little consquence

Incision does not heal, breaks open: 1 percent

Thrombo-embolic disease: under 1 percent, but potentially fatal

Delayed complications Readmission to hospital: rareIncisional hernias: rare

Intestinal obstruction from adhesions: very rare

Ovarian cysts: probably about 3-5 percent

Ovarian cancer: if ovaries left behind, about 1 percent

Hormonal changes Heart disease Bone loss (osteoporosis): delayed, but frequent if ovaries removed and estrogen not replacedPremature ovarian failure (premature menopause): very rare
Emotional consequences Depression and anxiety: frequent, but transientSexual difficulties
Surgical mortality Dying during or within a month of surgery: Slightly above 0.1 percent overall, less for younger women

Preventing Complications By Mirena

Some of the most preventable complications are the emotional aftereffects of hysterectomy. Good rapport with the surgeon is critical. A thorough understanding of the purpose and effects of any operation are so essential that much of the next section is devoted to these topics. Be sure your surgeon knows what other illnesses you have or may have. If you have other medical problems, such as, for instance, hypertension or diabetes, make sure that all your specialists contact your gynecologist before surgery. This may appear obvious and simple, yet only too often these professionals do not connect with each other carefully enough to ensure quality care.

Effect of a Mirena Hysterectomy on Sexual Life

Hysterectomy may shorten the vagina, and scar tissue may cause pain on intercourse. During hysterectomy, as a rule, little vaginal length is lost, but during a radical hysterectomy, performed to deal with cancer, one-third or as much as half the vagina may be removed. Radiation may also be administered. In such instances, the vagina may be significantly shortened, and radiation usually causes a distinct hardening of the vaginal walls. It also destroys ovarian function, causing the onset of menopause. The sexual rehabilitation of these women is often difficult.

If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


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    Case Details


    NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

    Do You Need A Hysterctomy Following Implantation of Mirena? Visit Here For Help.

    mirena attorney


    Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

    A Mirena-Caused Hysterectomy

    Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

    The gynecologist who proposes that hysterectomy is the best solution of your problem must be able to answer the following questions:

    • Is this operation really necessary? If you are looking forward to the surgery, this is usually because there is much bleeding or pain. Make sure you ask the surgeon if you are likely to derive the benefit you expect from the operation.
    • What is the disease that appears to necessitate hysterectomy? Be cautious if the operation is being recommended for a number of separate problems: Each may be manageable with measures other than a major operation, and each must be discussed individually. This is time-consuming, and your gynecologist may not have the patience to go through every option available to you.
    • What would be the consequences of not doing a hysterectomy? Vague references to preventing trouble or cancer are not acceptable. Unless your symptoms have worsened, you have time to research the situation.
    • What other ways are there to treat your condition? Do not accept hysterectomy as a solution too quickly.
    • How certain is it that hysterectomy will improve your most troublesome gynecological symptoms? Some complaints are relatively easy to correct: For instance, hysterectomy will invariably put an end to abnormal vaginal bleeding. Other complaints (for instance, pain or the involuntary loss of urine on coughing or sneezing) may or may not respond to hysterectomy. The gynecologist who assures you that all your symptoms will disappear may be correct but may also be a superior salesperson with a well-practiced routine. You should have a clear idea before surgery of how likely it is that your gynecological symptoms will improve and what the next step is if they do not

    Be as certain of your diagnosis as possible. Understand that only rarely is surgery necessary to find out exactly what is happening in your body, but occasionally laparoscopy (or even laparotomy) may become essential to find out if a tumor is cancerous. Line up all the available managements, including doing nothing; taking pain medications, antibiotics, or hormonal treatments; or resorting to surgery. Additional consultations, telephone hot lines, support groups, even an hour or two spent in a bookstore with medical self-help books and textbooks may point you in new and helpful directions. Medical information available in a variety of Web sites is another possibility, but with one cautionary note: Anyone can post any information with little fear of contradiction. Try to examine each participant’s motives for preferring one mode of treatment over another, particularly when it comes to advocating surgery. You must make every effort to evaluate carefully all the opinions you get, bearing in mind that every person you turn to may have an agenda that includes not only your interests but quite possibly theirs as well.

    If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


    CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

    EMAIL: clicking here.


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      Case Details


      NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

      Mirena May Cause Unnecessary Surgery

      mirena attorney


      Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

      An Unnecessary Hysterectomy, Per Lawyer, May Cause Injury

      Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

      Unnecessary hysterectomies are not performed in a scientific or humanitarian fashion, in response to women’s medical needs or complaints. Instead, they appear to depend entirely on the gynecologist’s ideas about the appropriateness of the operation.

      Precautions to avoid unnecessary surgery

      If you are a clinic patient, you have a right to discuss your care with the gynecologist in charge of your care. This person must be someone who has finished a residency program. If you are told that your case is unusual, you can insist that a senior gynecologist or the chief of the service be consulted. This may not work if your case appears to be a common condition, frequently handled by the resident staff. If you cannot afford a private consultation, you may be able to get a low-cost or free consultation from another clinic, at another hospital. However, these consultations become more difficult to arrange if you are already in a hospital, bleeding and hooked up to intravenous infusion sets. As always, it is essential to plan ahead judiciously. From the consumer’s point of view, the safeguards against unnecessary surgery consist of eternal vigilance with as much information about your gynecological diagnosis as you can obtain.

      Second Opinion

      Do not be embarrassed or reticent about asking for a second, or even a third, session to discuss any proposed surgery. You are discussing a major step in your life. Your gynecologist must be willing to concentrate on you and your problem for a reasonable amount of time. A second opinion is essential. Unless you are exceptionally well organized and have an excellent memory for details, take notes. In theory, tape-recording a conversation is fine, but such an approach may make the doctor being interviewed excessively cautious, defensive, and long-winded. More important is your selection of the gynecologist who will provide the second opinion. He or she should never be a friend or partner of the gynecologist who recommended hysterectomy in the first place.

      If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


      CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

      EMAIL: clicking here.


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        Case Details


        NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

        Mirena May Cause Unnecessary Surgery Reports Mirena Lawyer

        mirena attorney


        Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

        Discussing Surgery Caused By Mirena Uterus Perforation

        Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

        Is unnecessary surgery a fact? If surgeons know beforehand that an operation is unnecessary, there can be only one reason to go ahead and perform it anyway: money. Although the surgical profession is not riddled with avaricious opportunists who are beyond control, there are some in the medical profession who reject the idea that any unnecessary surgery exists.

        “Unnecessary surgery” is surgery performed without any expectation of improving either the quality of a patient’s life or the length of that life. Even with the best intentions, it may turn out that a given operation fails to produce the expected results. While, in one sense, this operation has proved to be “unnecessary,” it is only unnecessary in hindsight.

        Since surgery is not an exact science, such judgments will occasionally turn out to have been in error. As it is usually used, however, the phrase “unnecessary surgery” implies that surgeons know that certain operative procedures are not necessary but perform them anyway, thus subjecting patients to unnecessary risk and expense. There are dishonest and unethical people in all businesses and professions. Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is a common example of unnecessary surgery. The necessity for hysterectomy has declined with the use of alternative therapies.

        Although not everyone will need to have their tonsils out, uterus removed, or blood vessels repaired, some people will need these operations for certain specific reasons. This is where surgical judgment comes in. Surgeons are well aware that the indications for certain operations change with new information, and those who remain current with the new information in their specialty are more aware of this than others. You can easily appreciate how important it is for your surgeon to remain up to date. It is estimated that the surgical information base completely turns over every six years. As a result, if your proposed surgeon does not participate in continuing medical education programs — by attending professional meetings or reading surgical journals or making rounds at a teaching hospital — you may be placing yourself in the hands of someone whose knowledge and skills have become obsolete.

        If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


        CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

        EMAIL: clicking here.


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          NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

          Mirena Lawyer Notes Device May Cause Hysterectomies in Women

          mirena attorney

          FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

          Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

          What Is a Mirena-Caused Hysterectomy?

          Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

          One such injury that can result is a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy can be performed through an abdominal incision or by an approach through the vagina. In general, abdominal hysterectomy is reserved for patients with a greatly enlarged uterus and those with suspected cancer.

          Hysterectomy results in irreversible sterilization. This occasionally causes problems in women for whom fertility is an important component of their sexual identity. The spouse may also react adversely to the operation; lack of understanding may lead to fear that his partner has been physically weakened or altered in a way that he finds difficult to assess. In couples where sex has been unrewarding or continued with a sense of obligation to normality, the operation may be used as an excuse to bring the sex life to an end.

          A hysterectomy (total or complete) involves removing the uterus and cervix. The woman continues to ovulate, but does not have menstrual periods. Removal of the uterus can be done through an abdominal incision or through the vagina. A number of risks and complications can result from a hysterectomy: (1) The death rate is between 1 and 2 women in 1,000; (2) as a sterilization method, it has 20 times the complication rate of a tubal ligation; (3) surgical complications include infection (which is sometimes severe), urinary tract complications (almost half of the women have kidney or bladder infections following surgery; sensory nerves may be cut, causing loss of the sensation of having to urinate and control bladder function), hemorrhage (1 woman in 10 requires transfusions), bowel problems (due to damage to the intestines during surgery), blood clots, death or paralysis from anesthesia, and postsurgical complications.

          Patients are readily reassured that there is no impact on sexual response from hysterectomy and that any problems women report have a psychological cause. However, 33 to 46 percent of women have difficulty becoming aroused and reaching orgasm after hysterectomies. There are three plausible explanations for diminished arousal: (1) Uterine contractions contribute to arousal and orgasm by causing increased stimulation of the abdominal lining; (2) there is less tissue in the pelvic area to become engorged with blood, which adds to the sexual arousal sensation; and (3) when the ovaries are removed, ovarian androgens, which affect sexual response and cannot be replaced by estrogen replacement therapy, may be greatly reduced.

          If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


          CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

          EMAIL: clicking here.


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            NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

            Mirena Erosion and Injury Lawyer Offers Free Case Evaluations to Public

            mirena attorney

            FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

            Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

            Mirena May Cause Erosion and Other Personal Injuries

            Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

            One such injury that can result is a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy can be performed through an abdominal incision or by an approach through the vagina. In general, abdominal hysterectomy is reserved for patients with a greatly enlarged uterus and those with suspected cancer.

            Subtotal hysterectomy (removal of the body of the uterus but leaving the cervix) is increasingly common today. Total hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus. When malignant disease is present, hysterectomy is combined with removal of both Fallopian tubes and ovaries (hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy). Radical hysterectomy refers to removal of the uterus, both tubes and ovaries, and the surrounding soft tissues and lymphatics for more advanced cancers. All of those procedures are done through an incision in the lower abdomen.

            Since vaginal hysterectomy requires shorter hospital stays and results in speedier recovery, it is chosen whenever possible. With this procedure, all incisions are placed within the vagina, and the uterus is removed through the vagina.

            Overall mortality risk is 0.1 percent but is slightly higher for cases involving pregnancy or cancer. Complications include infection, hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism and operative injury to adjacent organs.

            The treatment following a hysterectomy will vary according to the type of surgery carried out and the reasons for the operation. A urinary catheter may be used to prevent the pressure of a full bladder from putting strain on the surgical site. A drip in the arm or hand may be used to provide fluids for a day or two during recovery from the operation. The length of the stay will depend on the type of operation – generally the woman must stay in hospital for 5 – 8 days. In case of vaginal or keyhole surgery, the hospital stay is generally 2-3 days.

            When both ovaries have been removed along with the uterus, patients experience abrupt onset of menopausal symptoms. Estrogen replacement is then often recommended to relieve hot flashes. A long-range benefit of that treatment is the prevention of osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) and possibly of coronary heart disease.

            Chronic fatigue, depression, and loss or reduction of libido occur in 10 to 20 percent of patients.

            If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


            CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

            EMAIL: clicking here.


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              NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

              Mirena Injury Lawyer Discusses Hysterctomy Pain for Women

              mirena attorney

              FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

              Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

              Mirena May Cause a Hysterectomy Following Perforation of the Uterus

              Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

              One such injury that can result is a hysterectomy.

              Of the approximately 600,000 women who still undergo hysterectomy in theUnited Stateseach year, about 500 will die as a direct consequence of the surgery. Others develop complications physicians call “morbidity.” This word, derived from the Latin morbus, meaning disease, covers a wide range of adverse outcomes. Some are mere nuisances, such as transient fevers after surgery that vanish without treatment; others are serious complications. One of these, for example, is bowel obstruction, an abrupt and life-threatening emergency that must be corrected immediately by skilled surgery. In addition to surgical complications, some women feel psychologically traumatized by the loss of their uterus well after other women have recovered.

              Ill Effects

              Many of the ill effects of hysterectomy are immediate and easy to document. In addition to other drawbacks, the fate of the ovaries must be considered. The older a women is when she has a hysterectomy, the more likely it is that she will lose her ovaries. According to information published in 1997 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the large and prestigious governmental organization based inAtlanta,Georgia, 51 percent of all women who underwent hysterectomy between 1988 and 1993 were castrated in this fashion. The word castration has an ominous sound to it, partly because of the male fear of losing testicles, outward emblems of masculinity. Castration is the excision of gonads, testicles, or ovaries; its physiological consequences are more wide-ranging and damaging in women. And even if left behind, perfectly good ovaries may be inadvertently knocked out of action by an apparently uneventful hysterectomy.

              Loosing Hormones

              Losing ovarian hormones has serious implications for women whose ovaries are erroneously thought to be intact and functioning: These women become menopausal within a year or two of the hysterectomy. If they do not get menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, possibly neither the woman nor her gynecologist will understand the seriousness of the situation, and the estrogen these women have quietly lost may not be replaced. Hysterectomy with, or even without, the excision of the ovaries may be followed many years later by a heart attack or a fall that fractures a forearm or a hip.

              If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


              CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

              EMAIL: clicking here.


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                Case Details


                NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

                Mirena Lawyer Discusses Potential Medical Malpractice Claims

                mirena attorney

                FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

                Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

                Mirena May Lead to Medical Malpractice

                Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

                Lawsuits can come in two forms.  First, there are claims that can be made when the device itself causes harm to the patient. These claims can include perforation of the uterus, embedding in the uterilne lining, and adhesion or other damage to the body.  Some of our clients have endured unnecessary surgeries, including removal of the device after it became embedded in the peritoneal cavity / abdominal cavity.  An unnecessary surgery could also include a hysterectomy, whether before the patient has decided to have children or afterwards.

                There is unfortunately anothere category of claims that can be made surrounding Mirena, and this includes claims of medical malpractice against a physician.  Mirena in our opinion should be implanted either when the patient is postpartum or on their menstral cycle to ensure the patient is not pregnant.  In the event the patient is not in one of these two periods, we believe the standard of care requires a physician to perform a pregnancy test and WAIT for the pregnancy test results before implanting the device.

                We are saddened to recieve calls from women across the country after learning they were implanted with a Mirena either (1) without a pregnancy test or (2) without the physician waiting for the pregnancy test results.  The end result, as feared, was the these women were pregnant, and the implantation of the Mirena device resulted in the death of the unborn child.

                If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


                CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

                EMAIL: clicking here.


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                  NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

                  Mirena Injury Lawyer Reports to Public on Mirena Personal Injuries

                  mirena attorney

                  FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

                  Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

                  Mirena Personal Injuries

                  Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. As a Mirena attorney that wants to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit, Mirena has its own side effects. One such side effect is perforation of the cervix.

                  The Mirena IUD can be an effective contraceptive; however, there are many side effects and dangers associated with the use of the device.  Many women across the United States use the Mirena IUD as a contraceptive. Although it is highly effective as a contraceptive, it has its own side effects. One of the most commons side effects is sepsis.


                  Sepsis is the result of a bacterial infection of the blood stream that causes very low blood pressure and shock. Sepsis commonly causes abnormal liver tests through products of inflammation without actual infection in the liver itself. In other words, the liver is participating in the generalized reaction induced by sepsis. Occasionally, however, bacteria may actually infect the liver, causing hepatitis or even abscess formation.

                  Perforation of the Uterus

                  In some cases, the IUD device can perforate the uterus. Perforation of the uterus is a serious complication. It can further cause damage to the bowel, bladder and the ureters. It can also cause hypovolaemia.

                  Damage to the Bowel

                  If the bowel is pierced by the needle or other instruments, bowel contents can leak out into the peritoneal cavity and cause peritonitis, a potentially fatal infection of the peritoneal lining. So it is imperative that the hole in the bowel be closed. Sometimes this can be done laparoscopically, placing stitches to seal up the hole if it is small, but more often it is necessary to open the abdomen and do an open surgery to ensure that the damage is safely repaired.

                  Damage to the Bladder and Ureters

                  The bladder or ureters may also be damaged during the insertion of any of the instruments. Urine can leak out into the peritoneal cavity and it also can cause peritonitis. A hole in the bladder needs to be closed. It is usually possible to accomplish this through the laparoscope, although, as with bowel damage, it may need open surgery. Damage to the ureter is very uncommon, but if it does occur open surgery is needed. Following a repair of the bladder or ureter, it is usual to leave a catheter in the bladder for about a week in order to rest the bladder while it heals.


                  Hypovolaemia can be defined as an inadequate circulating fluid volume to facilitate cellular metabolism. It can be either a medical or a surgical emergency.

                  FOR A FREE CASE EVALUATION:

                  CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

                  EMAIL: clicking here.


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                    NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

                    Mirena Attorney Discusses Potential Side Effects and Injuries

                    mirena attorney

                    FREE MIRENA CASE EVALUATIONS: CALL 1-800-632-1404

                    Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

                    Mirena Side Effects Include Perforation of Cervix

                    Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. As a Mirena attorney that wants to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit, Mirena has its own side effects. One such side effect is perforation of the cervix.

                    The Mirena IUD can be an effective contraceptive.; however, there are many side effects and dangers associated with the use of the device.

                    Perforation of the Uterus

                    The Mirena device can perforate the uterus during the insertion. Perforation means the piercing of the wall. Once the device perforates the wall of the uterus, it can cause other complications. The device must be then surgically removed.


                    Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum and is a common cause of acute abdomen. Peritonitis is a secondary disease process caused by abdominal disorders such as the perforation of the uterus. Peritonitis can occur with and without infections. Initially peritonitis is localized and contained within the greater omentum and by adjoining organs. Generalized peritonitis occurs when inflammation progresses or rupture spreads contamination too far to be contained. Due to its large surface area, inflammation of the whole peritoneum results in fluid loss sufficient to cause relative hypovolaemia.

                    Symptoms of Peritonitis

                    If the perforation of the uterus results in peritonitis, the patient will experienced sharp abdominal pain. It can become severe and exacerbated by the slightest movement. The patient may develop a feverish feeling. Nausea and vomiting may be present.


                    Cases of peritonitis almost always require surgery. Because a person with peritonitis will be vomiting constantly, the patient must be given fluid through an intravenous needle. If there is infection, then antibiotics must be administered. A tube is usually passed into the stomach to drain off excess fluid.

                    Damage to Ureter

                    Another complication that can be caused by perforation of the uterus is damage to ureter. Damage to the ureter is very uncommon, but if it does occur open surgery is needed. If the ureter is damaged, it must be repaired, a urinary catheter will be left in place for several days post-op to allow healing, and antibiotics will be prescribed.

                    Damage to Bladder

                    Perforation of the uterus can also result in damage to the bowel. If the bladder or the ureter is damaged, urine can leak out into the peritoneal cavity and it also can cause peritonitis. You will generally require surgery to repair the damage.

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                      NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.